TS! Wiki

The Mighty Swedish Banhammer

Mars Defden.


Banhammer Time! Can't touch this

She runs Twilight Sucks.

The Queen. The Big Boss.

She has more power than Superman in her pinky finger.

With her almighty Sweden Banhammer of Lulz, she smites the retarded and awards the decent. Her lingering hate towards Twilight grew with a ferocity of 4chan hunkering after a pair of preteen tits and the infection soon spread. Her once, quiet domain exploded into an epic win of members, trolling the boards happily, attacking that which is BULLSHIT and Waldoprofessing their detest of Smeyer. She is the savior of all that is right in literature and does it with a cocky smile on her face.

Ladies and Gents, bow down to your Anti-God, dammit!
